Monday, February 4, 2008

President Monson

The Church has order and I love that. No one is campaigning for positions and isn't that wonderful considering the world we live in! When I was a little girl(and a teenager) I use to think that General Conference was so boring. Remember we use to have to actually sit through it all in the Stake Center folding chairs because it wasn't on TV, anyways, my favorite speaker was always President Monson. He was the only one I ever felt that I could relate to or actually understand. And that of course was because of the awesome stories he tells. He is a great story teller and my family knows I love a good story. My one personal story about President Monson is from the weekend that I graduated BYU. It was August 1997, and it was the main graduation in the Marriott Center. I was one of the last people in line to walk into the Marriott Center with the line of graduates. I was standing in line with my cousin and my friend since elementary school. The line got backed up in the tunnel of the Marriott Center and we were waiting and into the tunnel walked President Monson. He was standing right next to us. We were too nervous to know what to say besides "Hello" but he said to me, "You sure seem happy." And I said, "I sure am." I will always remember how it felt to be standing next to him and I am grateful for his kind words. He will make a great prophet. Also how cool is it that his favorite color is yellow because that's mine too. And only my family will get this joke and I'm dying to say it (I apologize to all the other readers) so here it goes.

"your favorite color is yellow? - my favorite color is yellow!" (Beach house 2003?)


Mr & Mrs Hilton said...

You like spicy food, I like spicy food. That was a good joke. I am also really excited for President Monson to be the new prophet, he will do an amazing job. I never new your favorite color was yellow, it is such a fun and happy color. Have a great week!



Kelsey said...

Thats cool that he spoke to you! he will be WONDERFUL!


You like water? I LIKE WATER!!!

Jodie said...

Hey, Becky has a blog, Jana found my blog on Becky's and I've found your blog on Jana's!!! I am so excited. I can't believe how big your kids arem they are adorable. I'll have to check back and keep in touch! Hope all is well, Jodie