Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Open Minded

I was recently knocking on doors for the Yes on Prop 8 campaign in California and the answer I got from one lady was that she is "open minded." I left her door realizing that she was saying that I was not open minded and this was not meant as a positive thing. I have thought a lot about this simple statement. And in this case, I know what I believe and I know in my heart what is right. I will not be swayed with my environment and by what pop culture decides is right. I have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I bleieve that marriage has been ordained of God and is between a man and a women. The family is the fundamental unit of society it has been since Adam and Eve. I love all peole and celebrate that we all have differences but this does not change how I feel about traditional marriage. So in the end I learned something important from that lady at the door and that is that my beliefs are set and in this case I'm not open minded but instead steadfast and immovable.