Friday, September 9, 2011

Ten Years Later

Where were you?
What was your story that day?
It would be impossible to forget.
It's permanently scarred in your brain.
What a terrible day that was.
The loss of loved ones.
The stories to be told.
I am grateful for heroes.
The everyday person who became a hero.

What I do know is that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us.
Really bad things do happen to good people.
But that is because we were given the gift of free agency.
Evil people use their free agency differently than we do.
I know we chose to come to the Earth to gain these experiences.
We chose to follow our Savior and we accepted the plan.

I am grateful to know that I am a Child of God.
I am also grateful and proud to be an American.
God Bless the USA.