Friday, September 9, 2011

Thunder and Lightning

There is some crazy weather in Colorado.
Storms just seem to come out of no where.
Last week I was at Haylie's cross country meet. She was lined up ready to start the race.
It started to sprinkle and lightning. They postponed the race and sent the athletes to their buses. But this left the parents and siblings in the rain. We found shelter under a pavilion.
Then there was a sudden noise. It was unlike anything I've ever heard.
Lightning struck that tree in the picture. I was sitting exactly where I took this picture from my phone. Probably about 20 feet away. I didn't see the flash of light. I only heard the sound. It was deafening and powerful.
My head was ringing for the rest of the night.

A man was standing under the tree.
He was knocked down.
The police came so I don't know what his final outcome was.
The police cleared the area and told us to get our cars for safety.
The tree was smoking and spliced.
Mother nature really is powerful!


Sara said...

That's so scary. I hope your headache finally went away.

Kelly H. said...

You know what saves you from being struck by lightning? A Stetson cowboy hat. I never go outside without mine...never been struck.

Mandi Peo said...

We have crazy lightning and thunder storms here too. So frightening! Glad you were not the one standing under the tree.
Love the "new" blog and catching up on your summer adventures.

Aimee said...

Holy crap AGAIN! When we were in high school in colorado the lightning would hit the football goals all the time. Scary!